Can’t take it anymore

Written April 19, 2022 + more from this date in 2023

*sigh* the couple weeks following treatment have been t o u g h

I am tired of not enjoying food – either because I can’t taste it or it’s just plain painful – I’m tired of being home all of the time (denied returning to work early due to my low weight and white blood cell count), and another thing I’m tired of is being tired!!


Many moments left me smiling of course – most of which revolve around cuddling Archie – but others included playing golf for the first time and enjoying an iced coffee with my best friend, Meg, & her fiancé, Connor 🙂


Matt Haig says in The Comfort Book, “[t]he worst part of any experience is the part where you feel like you can’t take it anymore. So, if you feel like you can’t take it anymore, the chances are you are already at the worst point. The only feelings you have left to experience are better than this one”

Written April 19, 2023

Keepin’ it real! I’m enjoying the cancer-free life, and facing hardships. I hope this video finds someone who deserves to know they’re not alone if they’re struggling in survivorship or with the healthcare system in general 💙 Keep on keepin’ on, Y’all!

I can say I’m already feeling better about this situation, and I think that’s because I was in a safe space (my car lol) to express my emotions. I understand what they’re telling me, and can move forward ✌🏼 Please honor your emotions and allow them to talk to you – I promise you they leave you be after you listen (and I truly mean just listen, you don’t always have to do something about it, just take the note and move forward!!) 💙

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